Organisational Research

The basis for good decisions is solid research. We specialise in getting you the information you need, when you need it.

Organisational Surveys

If you're running a small organisation with staff that you interact with every day, you may not need to go beyond well-conducted meetings. For everything else you should regularly "take the pulse" of the organisation.

We provide professional assistance with the following:

  • Survey Design
  • Survey Implementation
  • Data Analysis
  • Recommendations
  • Implementation of Action Plans
  • Monitoring of Results
    Policy Design & Implementation

    Workable and effective policies need to be modelled on international best practice while taking into account the specific requirements of your organisation. 

    Our services in this area consist of

    • Reviewing your existing policies
    • Developing new policies and/or adapting existing ones
    • Monitoring and reviewing policy implementation
    Disciplinary Investigations

    Employment situations sometimes result in conflict that's not easily understood or resolved. This can range from complaints about harassment to non-performance issues.

    We provide an independent review and investigation service, including options for mediation and monitoring of outcomes.