HR Development

Training and development needs to address the specific needs of your organisation. Our services in this area range from providing off-the-shelf training courses to developing and delivering fully accredited strategic development programmes. 

Training Needs Analysis

Is what you think you need really what you need?

The first step in the design of a training programme should be an analysis of your training needs. This doesn't have to be terribly complicated but it should always go well beyond answering the more obvious questions. 

By working through our well-established question and answer process we can help you reach decisions efficiently and effectively. Where needed, the process may be complimented with tightly focused organisational research.

Strategic Training & Education

Tackle the big issues head on!

This is the crown jewel in our range of development services. As part of this service we work with you to design an entire training programme tailored to the strategic needs of your organisation. What's more, we can then award an accredited and portable qualification to successful trainees. 

It's a classic win-win. You win because you get a workforce with practical and relevant skills and your employees win because as well as new skills and knowledge they get a qualification they can use to advance their career. 

Tailored Training Courses

Short, sharp and to the point!

We specialise in tailoring short training courses to your requirements. This may be as simple as modifying one of our existing courses or it may involve the construction of an entirely new one. 

We front up with the best people in the business, drawn from our extensive expert networks. Whatever your development needs, we can supply you with a creditable and often published authority, willing and ready to help.

As with all of our services, we are committed to delivering best practice, evidence based solutions of the highest quality at a competitive price.


Off-the-shelf Training Courses

Benefit from our experience!

In combination with the members of our professional network we are in a position to offer a wide range of ready-made training courses. All of our training courses are constructed from material that is supported by reliable scientific evidence and that is of demonstrated practical use. 

Please contact us for more information.